You Will

“Though you have made me see trouble, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once more.” Psalm 71:20-21

The authenticity King David shows in these verses is beautiful. He doesn’t sugarcoat His words to the Lord. He says outright that his troubles have been many and bitter. Yet His trust in God is clear. He says, “You will restore my life,” “You will again bring me up” and “You will increase my honor.” Despite what he’s been through, David is confident the Lord will redeem it all, and He does. 

David’s past was littered with loss and regret. Mine is too. Like me, I bet when David looked back sometimes he still felt the sting of grief or shame. I bet it was tempting to let it swallow him whole, to relive it, to sit in the pain of what was. It’s tempting for me too. But David had a choice to make and I do too. I can look over my shoulder and say, “Look at what I did. Look at what I went through,” and feel pity for myself. Or I can say, “Look how far God’s brought me! Look what He’s helped me overcome! Look what He’s done!” 

God specializes in bringing beauty from ashes. He is the God of redemption. He restored me, a college dropout and compulsive liar with crippling anxiety and depression. He brought me out of the pits of my sin and sickness and is using my story to bring hope and encouragement to others. He has increased my honor and is using me as a minister for His kingdom as a writer, speaker, and pastor’s wife. God took my troubles, though many and bitter, and restored my life again. And He will do it for you too. 

Study & Reflection: Read about some of David’s many troubles in the following passages: 1 Samuel 19:9-18, 2 Samuel 12:1-23. What makes David’s confidence in the Lord’s redemption so significant? Spend some time reflecting on what God’s brought you through. How has He redeemed what was broken in your life? What troubles is He now using for good? 

Prayer: If you struggle to share your past with others because the pain is still too great, ask God to turn your bitterness into gratitude. Thank Him for bringing you up out of the past and restoring your life. Pray for confidence and courage to use your past to minister to others and bring honor to Him. 


God is in the Grief


A Pep Talk for the Discouraged