God is in the Grief

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” -Psalm 34:18

Three years after we married my husband and I began the process of adopting a child. Once all the paperwork was filed and the home study was complete, we anxiously waited to be matched with a birth mother. When it finally happened, our hearts were all in. We bent over backward to accommodate the mother and give her everything she needed as we awaited her labor and delivery. We went to her doctor's appointments, readied our home, and had baby showers. We even picked out a name for the baby-to-be. Six weeks before her due date, the birth mother changed her mind about placing her baby for adoption. It’s been thirteen years but I will never forget what that felt like. My spirit was crushed. I was utterly brokenhearted. 

I went through all the stages of grief in that season. I struggled to see God’s goodness and mercy in the midst of my pain. I wondered why He would allow me to experience such sorrow. A dear friend reminded me that God was in the grief; He was kneeling next to me and sharing in my tears. This brought me comfort. Earlier in Psalm 34, verse 15 says the Lord’s ears are attentive to the cry of the righteous. The enemy would have us believe God doesn’t care about our pain, that He turns a deaf ear and allows us to suffer alone, but this is not so. Our Father hears us cry out and He cares deeply for us. Psalm 56:8 says He keeps track of all our sorrows and collects our tears in His bottle. My tears were not lost on Him. Like a loving Father does with his child, He rushed to my side and held every last one. 

Study & Reflection: Read Psalm 34:15-22. Notice the actions of the Lord: 

V.17 The Lord hears them, He delivers them

V. 18 The Lord is close, He saves

V.19 He delivers

V. 20 He protects

V. 22 He rescues 

This is what the Lord does when we are crushed and brokenhearted. He isn’t just near us, He hears, delivers, saves, protects and rescues us. Let’s take comfort in this truth and find refuge in the arms of our heavenly Father. 

Prayer: Father, thank you for coming alongside us in our brokenheartedness. Thank you for hearing our cries and collecting our tears. When we are so crushed we cannot see Your goodness, comfort us with Your presence. Save us and give us refuge. 


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